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#LRPblogs No.5: My first months with Logical Recruitment Partners


Written by: Tracey Hayes - Operations Manager

My career started with Logical Recruitment Partners in November 2021. I have known about LRP for 8 years but I only became part of the family recently, but knew from the start I'd fit right in.

It’s been a full on 4 months, I have learnt LOTS about the Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) sector and was amazed at how many opportunities are available for Candidates to relocate.

"There truly are some incredible roles out there with some fantastic brands, it's been great learning about them all!"

My background was finance, so coming into Operations has been a new learning curve and one I am gradually becoming more confident in.

At Logical Recruitment Partners you receive a comprehensive induction where you get to learn a variety of different Software packages and learn about the BPO’s in depth, while also developing an understanding of the reasons our clients rely on us so much here at LRP. We provide a service, a consultative approach to sourcing and a true "Partnership" that in turn, brings us lasting and successful working relationships.


"Working at Logical Recruitment Partners is very inclusive, there is always support and there is an Open-door policy .... and you get to work from home! If you are looking for a career move, this is one I would highly recommend!"

To find out more about #LRPjobs current live vacancies and become part of the #LRPfamily ... visit our website via the link below:

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